Friday, March 27, 2015


Kenya Kenya Kenya!
Lake Naivasha

Our house

Sorry for the slow posting—I feel like I’ve hit the ground running since arriving in Kenya, busy busy busy until I drop every day (this is combined with spotty internet access—I think everyone in Kenya decides to log on at night and boy does the bandwidth suffer!).

I’m living in a house about a 30 minute walk from the hospital with two UW residents (who are awesome), where we each have our own room and bathroom and a lovely common area downstairs with a kitchen. We have two friendly security guards around 24/7. We even have a coffee pot, so I am one happy girl!

Walk to work (paved portion)--lake in the  background!

Most days we wake up, down some food and coffee, and walk to the hospital. We live on a hill up above Lake Naivasha (where most of the town is, including the hospital), and while the road is some ROUGH walking it has gorgeous panoramic views of the lake and mountains.

Gate to the hospital
Work has been very interesting and challenging so far—I will post more about this later. Let’s just say that going from an ICU rotation in the states, where everything is available and able to be done for every patient and codes run like a well-oiled machine, to a district hospital in Africa, where comparatively few options for diagnosis and treatment are available and codes have been a confusing nightmare, is jarring to say the least. The staff and patients are very friendly, and the little cafe on campus has decent Kenyan food for our daily lunch break.

Adventures start this weekend! A trip to Nakuru to see some rhinos and perhaps a boat ride on the lake to see more animals. (I saw giraffe loping along the side of the road on Wednesday as we were driving to dinner, one of the highlights of the week!) I will be sure to document with photos! And I will figure out how to get photos that I've taken off of this phone!!!!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Here we go again!

Back to Africa! Back to blogging! I'll be working in a hospital in Kenya for 6 weeks March to May, and depending on interweb access will be attempting to blog and post pics to document the trip. Follow along if you'd like! --Maren