Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mt. Longonot

Mt. Longonot

Well I hiked a mountain on Saturday, and boy am I out of shape! Whether it was the steep incline, the high altitude, or the amazing views, Mt. Longonot sure took my breath away!

This nearby volcano blew off most of its top long ago, scattering pumice and obsidian across our region of the Rift Valley. The mountain dominates many of the views from Naivasha, so it was great to set out early in the morning to hike this beast.

View of Lake Naivasha

Four of us girls made the steep hike up to the rim of the crater, which offers gorgeous views of the forest inside of the crater, as well as the surrounding valley and Lake Naivasha (it's also always fun to hike past zebra, giraffe, and antelope feeding in the early morning).

Inside the crater
I thought the secret, protected forest inside of the crater looked very Land Before Time-y, but no one else got my references to Littefoot or tree stars, sadly! I kept an eye out for dinosaurs but only spotted a few mountain climbing buffaloes.

I climbed that?

We then hiked a full circuit around the rim of the crater, including up to (what remains) of the tippy top. It was VERY steep going at times, and a bit of a climb both up and down. At times I wasn't sure I would make it, but I did!