Saturday, June 11, 2011


Here are a few pics from my first 36hrs in Kampala

This is a general shot of Kampala from an upper floor of a building at the hospital. I'll get more photos of the area in the future, but this is typical of a lot of the city. Lots of trees, and tiny houses and dirt roads mixed in with giant roads, round-abouts, and the occasionally very western looking building.

This is the student housing we're staying in--right now there are three other Americans besides Shalina and I, and there are four Dutch medical students.

Bed-netted bunk!

The shower situation is pretty great here--just have to hold the shower head. And deal with the non-existent water pressure. And sometimes it's warm!

This is where my cockroach nemesis lives now. But the toilets here are great! Apparently it's much more "squatty potty" style in Kiboga, so that will be fun...

This is a friendly moth the size of my hand. He used to live in the house, now he is dead on the floor. There are some dead giant grasshoppers around too but they photograph more tragically.

To get out of our house yard/driveway you have to pop through a tiny door in the gate, which I can never decide if it reminds me more of the Wizard of Oz or Willy Wonka... Also this is Shalina!

Ant hill! Which has appeared since last August, which is pretty impressive on the bugs' part.

So everywhere around the city, especially on campus and at the hospital, GIANT birds like to sit in groups at the tops of trees. The storks are the biggest, and there are cool cranes, and about a babillion other birds. I'll try and get better shots of them soon for you birdies. Mostly it looks like trees are always going to tip over from the number of giant birds sitting on top of them

Today at lunch it starting POURING. Crazy tropical storm! It was sooo loud on the metal roof of the cantina, and we were glad we decided to go to lunch before going to the shops

Within minutes the rain was streaming into the restaurant, and these's barrels were overflowing and flooding the place

Rain and flood from all directions

Even under our table! Luckily there was a crossbar for our feet!

The power went out withing a couple minutes of the storm hitting, and once the flood got too deep they moved us inside to a small seating area, so we got to finish our meal by romantic candlelight :)


1 comment:

The Other Miss Beth said...

Hi, Honey, We were so glad to wake up this morning to pictures. Dad read me your entire cockroach battle entry out loud. Send more photos when you can. All is well here. Mama